Week Ending 11th March 2016

On Monday evening of last week the Parent Council met and have begun planning a Summer Fayre for our school.  A letter will be coming out soon asking parents if they can help in any way by manning a stall or assisting with face painting etc.

On Tuesday evening, we had a very good turnout of P4 parents for our First Holy Communion information evening.  Please remember our Sacramental pupils in your prayers as they continue with their faith journey.

On Thursday, we had a dress rehearsal for our school show, Alice in Wonderland.  The pupils looked fantastic in their costumes and really upped their acting skills as a result!

On Friday, we had PJ/Onesie Day as part of our themed Fridays for Lent.  Guide Dogs for the Blind, one of our Lenten Charities, visited our pupils at assembly and brought Nesta along with them.  Nesta is one of their guide dogs in training and was exceptionally well behaved and underwhelmed by the audience of around 300!

We have an exceptionally busy week ahead!!  On Monday morning, our choir will perform in the Glasgow Music Festival.  They were runners up last year and have worked incredibly hard this year and will no doubt do very well.

On Tuesday morning, it is the cross country finals and I am sure our children will do very well at this too.  In the afternoon, it is our official dress rehearsal for Alice in Wonderland, and our P1-P4 pupils will get the opportunity to see the show at this point.  Jotters will also come home on Tuesday so that you get the opportunity to see them in advance of parents’ evening on the 23rd of this month.

From Wednesday to Friday, it will be school show after school show!  We have afternoon performances from Wednesday to Friday and there are also evening performances on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.  There are a few tickets left for each performance, so please contact the school office asap if you want tickets to see what proves to be a fantastic show.

The book fayre will arrive in school on Friday and will be available during all of the following week, including parents’ evening.

Please remember it is early lunches from Tuesday to Friday – lunch will be from 12.15 until 1pm and the crossing patrol will be present throughout the early lunches.


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