It was a short week back following our February break. This week saw the start of Lent and Friday was our first themed day. Children had a non-uniform day and staff wore a uniform instead! Please remember to send in your £1 each Friday if you can as this money goes towards our nominated Lenten charities.
We had a good turn out for our P3 enrolment Mass and a beautiful Mass it was. Many thanks to Father McGachey and all staff involved in the organisation of this.
Tomorrow evening we have a Parent Council Meeting in Room 10 at 630pm and all are welcome. We also have visitors from North Lanarkshire Council and Head Teachers from local schools coming to observe good practice on Thursday.
On Friday we have our second Lenten themed day – crazy hair day. During our Friday assembly, we will be having Caritas pupils from Taylor High School to speak with our children about SCIAF, one of our Lenten charities.
On Sunday of next week, we will be having our P4 enrolment Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church at 11am. Pupils to wear school uniform and a seating plan will be issued this week.
Please remember on Tuesday of this week, online payments and cashless system for catering go live. From Tuesday, no payments will be accepted at the till for school meals or breakfast club. Children’s cards will need to be topped up either online at home, or using the Reveal Machine in school at playtime or lunchtime.