Our Primary 7 pupils once again visited Taylor High on Tuesday morning as part of our continuity programme. They are enjoying this experience greatly and we are having positive reports back from Taylor High School regarding our fabulous pupils.
Mr McCormick, Head Teacher and Mrs McGraw, Depute Head Teacher visited our school on Wednesday evening to speak with Primary 7 parents. Two of our previous pupils were on hand to answer any questions that parents had.
Our choir were recorded on Thursday for the annual Regent Shopping Centre Choir Competition – they were fabulous and have a very good chance of winning this year. We will rely on your votes for this – more details to follow nearer the time.
On Friday we had a beautiful Mass, led by our Primary 6 pupils. Our P6 pupils enrolled for the Pope Francis Faith Award and I am sure they will take part in this journey very seriously. Mass was followed by a very successful coffee morning – a massive £312 was raised. Many thanks goes to our lovely ladies who give up their time every month to set up and clear up – we couldn’t do it without them. Thanks also to all who contributed baking or raffle prizes.
Our continuity programme continues this week ahead for our Primary 7 pupils.
As always, if you have any comments or suggestions for our blog, please leave a comment.