Another very busy and holy week in Our Lady and St. Francis Primary School.
Our Primary 6 and 7 pupils had a child line visit and workshop on Monday.
The Legion of Mary came back to do a lunch time Rosary Club on Tuesday and it was standing room only in Room 2!
On Wednesday, our P4, P5, P6 and P7 pupils attended the annual Fatima Mass in St. Francis Xavier. Our children participated very well and were a credit to us as always. On Thursday, the whole school were back over at St. Francis Xavier Church for a beautiful Ascension Thursday Mass and P7 led the liturgy.
On Friday, we welcomed His Lordship, Bishop Toal to our school. Again, our children were an absolute credit to us and Bishop Toal commented afterwards how fabulous our children are. Saturday saw the last of our P4 Communions and again, our children looked beautiful and participated fully in the Mass.
It is a short week coming up as it is the May bank holiday weekend next weekend.
Our P7s will have their photographs taken for the Motherwell Times on Tuesday – please make sure that shirts/blouses and ties are worn for this.
Mr McFarlane from Taylor High School will be visiting school on Wednesday to meet with the P7 pupils who will be participating in Summer School.
On Thursday, our nursery children will be visiting Almond Valley – we hope that they have a lovely, dry day for this.
There will be no school on Friday 22nd or Monday 25th May as it is the May bank holiday weekend.