Week Ending 8th May 2015

Although this was a short week for our pupils, it was still a busy one!  On Tuesday, the Legion of Mary came to do a lunch time Rosary Club for pupils and the turnout was fantastic.  They will be doing this throughout the month of May and I’m sure it will be very busy every week.

On Wednesday, our P1s, P1/2s and Nursery children were involved in a Teddy Bear’s Fun Day.  They had great fun icing biscuits, getting their faces painted, completing jigsaws amongst other things.  It was all done in aid of a very worthwhile cause – St. Andrew’s Hospice.  Thank you for all your support with this.

On Thursday, teachers from all Taylor High cluster Primary Schools met at St. Mary’s Primary in Cleland for their last maths moderation session.  These are very worthwhile meetings and allow teachers to share expertise and good practice with one another.

On Friday, we were visited at Assembly by a local Scouts representative, and our children were informed about local clubs they could attend.

On Saturday, our Primary 4 children made us very proud as they received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion at St. Francis Xavier Church.  Our prayers were answered as the sun was shining for them all day.  They all looked beautiful and their conduct throughout the whole Mass was commendable.  Well done, boys and girls!

For our week ahead, we have a very busy and Holy week ahead.  We have Child Line visiting our P6s and P7s on Monday to discuss personal and online safety.

On Wednesday, our Primary 5, 6 and 7 pupils will be going to the annual Fatima Mass at the Grotto and will be joined by lots of other Primary school pupils.  His Lordship, Bishop Toal will be celebrating Mass which will be followed by a procession and rosary.

Thursday is Ascension Thursday and our whole school will be attending 10am Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church as this is a Holy Day of obligation.

On Friday, we will be welcoming His Lordship, Bishop Toal to our school.  He will hopefully have time to visit all children, but will be spending time particularly with our Confirmandi children.  We very much look forward to this visit and I am sure he will be as proud of our children as we are.

Next Saturday sees the remainder of our P4s making the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, so we will be praying for another dry day for them.

Remember it is our Parent Council Race Night on Friday 29th May.  Tickets can be purchased at the school office for £3 each.  We are also looking for local businesses to sponsor a race for £25.  Please contact either the school office or email the parent council directly at: olsfparentcouncil@btinternet.com


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