We have a busy start to term 4. Work on our school garden started on Thursday and should be completed by early this week. Our children will be planting and growing their own fruit, vegetables and herbs very soon.
Our children also enjoyed some outdoor learning this week due to the better weather. Hopefully there will be lots of opportunities for outdoor learning this term.
Our P7 children enjoyed a road safety workshop on Friday afternoon. They participated well and their behaviour, as always, was exemplary.
For our week ahead, we have a Parent Council meeting on Monday evening at 6.30pm in school. We also have our first Friday Mass at 10am on Friday morning in St. Francis Xavier Church. This will be followed by our usual coffee morning. As always, we will be looking for donations of home baking (nut free, please) and raffle prizes. P4 will be leading the liturgy and our coffee morning.
Please keep an eye on our school website – all of our after school clubs for term 4 will be finalised this week and details will be posted there.