Monday 24th June 2013

It’s hard to believe we are now into the final week of the year.  

The nursery graduation for children starting Primary 1 in August takes place tomorrow.  The graduation Mass for our Primary 7 pupils is on Wednesday afternoon.  I look forward to seeing parents and friends at these two special events.

I had been hoping to send out information on next year’s classes today.  Unfortunately, I still do not have final information on our staffing for August, so will be unable to put this information together until tomorrow at the earliest.  Please accept my apologies for the delay.  

There are, however, several pieces of staffing information I am in a position to provide.  Miss Lee will be taking up a new teaching post in sunny Portugal after the holidays.  Miss Lee has been a huge asset to St Bartholomew’s this year and will be greatly missed.  We wish her all the very best as she begins at Porto British School.  Mrs Ruddy will also be moving on from St Bart’s.  I know the boys, girls and staff will really miss Mrs Ruddy’s cheery smile and helping hands around the school.  Please keep in touch, Mrs Ruddy!  There will be three new members of staff to say hello to in the new term.  Miss Rebecca Hamill and Mrs Katy McLean will be joining the  school’s teaching staff and Mrs Anne Davidson will be our new Special Educational Needs Assistant.  Welcome to St Bartholomew’s!  We hope you’ll all feel very much at home!

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