Bowled over!

Just on our way back to the hotel after a fun evening at the bowling. Team 1 were the victors with a total of 633 points, closely followed by Team 2 with 629. Our top players tonight were:

Dillon with 129 points
Aidan with 127 points
David with 126 points
Shauna with 118 points

Straight to bed once we’re home. We’re all exhausted!

G’night Townhead.

Another great day!

Weather: ROASTING!
River trip: RELAXING!
Ghost Walk: SPOOKY!
Ice cream: DELICIOUS!

Heading back to Scarborough then we’ll be off to Bridlington for bowling. Scores will be posted later this evening!

A quick hello from the bus

We realised we didn’t answer P1’s question about old toys the other day. Yes, boys and girls, we did see some old Victorian toys at Beamish on Monday. We will try to find out what Viking children used to play with when we visit the Yorvik Centre today.

It was a nice surprise to hear from Mrs Murphy and Mrs Pollock, former colleagues from Woodlands Primary, who have also been keeping up-to-date with our Yorkshire adventures! Thanks for leaving us a message.

Finally, great to hear that Primary 6 have been using our trip to Yorkshire to inspire some learning of their own. Well done for finding us on the map and for discovering more about Scarborough castle! We’re very impressed!