Friday 12th June 2015

Primary 1 had a super trip to Drumpellier Park yesterday. Here’s a picture of the children meeting the cygnets, but please check out Twitter for some more photos of their visit.
Primary 1 Rockets and Stars will be welcoming parents and other guests to their classroom at 2.00pm this afternoon for a special Sunflower Tea. This will include an opportunity to see some of the children’s recent work. What a perfect day for it!

We will also be welcoming Karen Glen from ‘Curriculo Solutions’ to St Bartholomew’s today. Karen will be working with our P7 pupils all morning on some new materials about the world of work. I had a sneak preview of the materials and I know the children will thoroughly enjoy today’s activities on job adverts and interviews. Karen will be back on Tuesday to lead Session 2.

Joe Bradley visited St Bartholomew’s yesterday afternoon to present awards to pupils who have shown particular qualities during this year’s Gaelic football coaching. Here’s a picture of those pupils who particularly impressed Joe during the course of the year, all very well deserved! Well done, everyone!
I happened to pop my head into the computer suite yesterday and found Primary 6 not only busy on the computers but actually doing some basic computer programming! Maybe we’ll see these clever-clog children working in the technology industry a few years down the line!

Please pray for Blair Melvin and Euan McMahon as they prepare for their move to St Ambrose High School.