Thursday 11th June 2015

Primary 1 are off to Drumpellier Park this morning. The children had a visit from the ranger earlier this week and I’m sure they’ll have a great time following up on the ranger’s input in the park today… especially in this fantastic weather!

Sports Day was a huge success yesterday. The sun shone, the children did fantastically well and the crowd were full of enthusiasm! This year’s winning House was Drumpellier. Well done, boys and girls!
Many thanks, once again, to Mrs McLean for all the hard work she put into organising and co-ordinating this year’s Sports Day. It ran like clockwork! However, a HUGE thank you also needs to go to all of the Primary 6 pupils who worked their wee socks off getting the field set-up for the afternoon. Mature, responsible, organised and reliable are just four adjectives I could use to describe them! As a special thank-you treat for all their efforts, Mrs McLean is organising a picnic for the boys and girls in Drumpeillier Park tomorrow afternoon. Very well deserved, boys and girls!

Another bunch of St Bart’s superstars are the team of P6 and 7 pupils who took part in yesterday’s Gaelic football tournament. Mrs McFarlane reported that the boys and girls were model sportsmen and women and a real credit to the school. The girl’s team reached the finals and lost by only one point. In recognition of the children’s outstanding efforts, attitude and behaviour, the entire team will receive an extra playtime this morning. You can enjoy the whole grassed area to yourselves!

Please pray for Vhairi Bradley and Murray Rea as they prepare for their move to St Ambrose High School.