Wednesday 10th June 2015

We have a very busy day ahead of us here at St Bartholomew’s.

A group of Primary 6 and 7 pupils are off to St Ambrose this morning to participate in a Gaelic football tournament. Good luck, team!

Our new Primary 1 pupils will be paying us another visit today. The boys and girls will receive a full tour of the school with their parents before enjoying their very first school lunch in the hall. P6 and 7 buddies will be ready to begin tours at 11.00am prompt.
Of course, the main event of today will be Sports Day which kicks-off at 1.15pm. According to the forecast, we’re going to be blessed with glorious sunshine throughout the afternoon to accompany our various sporting events. Many thanks to Mrs McLean who has done an absolutely fantastic job planning and co-ordinating this year’s Sports Day (Mr Hughes’ trainers were big shoes to fill!!!).
Please pray for Peter Collins and Kai Kelly as they prepare for their move to St Ambrose High School.