Monday 1st June 2015

Primary 6 are off to Stirling today for a trip related to their topic on the Scottish Wars of Independence. Unfortunately, the weather forecast isn’t the best. However, I’m sure the boys and girls will still have a fantastic day finding out about William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. Have a super day, boys and girls!

Primary 7 are now back in St Bartholomew’s after their two induction days at St Ambrose High School. As the children begin their final month of Primary School, I thought it might be a nice idea to ask our school and parish communities (as well as friends from further afield who read the blog) to pray for each of our Primary 7 pupils in turn – one per day between now and the summer holidays. Moving to high school is an important milestone in the lives of our P7 pupils, so it’s important that we give the boys and girls as much support and encouragement as we can, including our prayers. So, please take the time to say a prayer (even a simple Our Father or Hail Mary) for the pupil whose name is posted on the blog each day over the coming weeks. Thank you.
Please pray for Morgan Hay as she prepares for her move to St Ambrose High School.

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