Friday 14th June 2013

Tickets are going fast for our summer show, ‘A Night on Broadway’.  Tickets go on general sale today, so if you have not purchased the two tickets allocated to your family, please make sure you pick these up as soon as possible from the office.  Once tickets have been sold, we will be unable to accommodate any more people due to fire regulations.

I am currently reading through all of the children’s reports and writing a comment on each.  It’s been great to read about the fantastic progress the boys and girls have made this year. I’m so proud of them! Reports will go out no later than Friday of next week.  

Final staffing arrangements for next year will be confirmed by the local authority over the next few days and I will then be in a position to let you know who your child’s teacher will be in August.  A letter will be sent out towards the beginning of the final week.

Unfortunately, It seems the sun has decided to disappear for the time being.  However, I hope you all have a great weekend once it arrives, despite the rain.  Don’t forget to check out the Cool Class, winning House and Pupils of the Week at 3 o’clock!

Thursday 13th June 2013

It was like Christmas come early in St Bartholomew’s yesterday afternoon when several very large boxes of brand new books arrived at the school.  These wonderful new books (too many to count!) have been very kindly donated to our school library by our good friend, Mark Millar.  They will provide a fantastic boost to our current stock and will be enjoyed by pupils across the school for many years to come.  Thank you so much, Mark!  We are extremely grateful and look forward to seeing you at our P7 graduation Mass in a couple of weeks time.

Today is your last chance to pick up your guaranteed two tickets for the school show before the remaining tickets go on general sale tomorrow.  Don’t miss out on the musical event of the year!  It’s going to be great!

Wednesday 12th June 2013

It was fantastic to welcome our new intake of Primary 1’s to St Bartholomew’s yesterday morning.  We hope you enjoyed meeting your buddies, having a tour of the building and tucking into your first St Bart’s school lunch!  Enjoy your last couple of weeks in nursery, boys and girls, and we look forward to seeing you again in August.

I’ve been so impressed at the quality of the children’s performances during this week’s show rehearsals.  They’ve been working really hard on their songs… you’re in for a treat on the 20th!  At the moment, tickets are restricted to two per family.  However, additional tickets will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis from Friday morning onwards.  

Tuesday 11th June 2013

Once again, we welcome our new Primary 1’s, along with their parents, to St Bartholomew’s this morning.  This is the final event in our transition programme.  The children will meet their P7 buddy who will give them a tour of the school, including a special visit to see our current Primary 1’s.  The boys and girls will then get the chance to enjoy lunch together in the dining hall.  We are very much looking forward to you starting in August and hope that you enjoy your visit to St Bartholomew’s today!

I heard that the Primary 7 pupils who remained in school last week were absolute stars and a great help to the younger classes they spent time in. Well done, everyone!

Monday 10th June 2013

Good morning!

I must say, it’s good to be back in St Bartholomew’s and I’m looking forward to catching up with pupils and staff this morning.  It was a real treat to see the wonderful weather continue over the weekend.  Let’s hope it’s a sign of things to come as the summer holidays approach.

Final rehearsals begin for our school show, ‘A Night in Broadway’, today and will continue until our dress rehearsal next week.  The show is jam-packed with a whole string of well-known hits from the musicals and it will be fantastic to see every single child in the school perform on stage.    Make sure you grab your ticket for Thursday 20th!

I received a letter from the proprietor of the Scarborough hotel P7 stayed in last week thanking the children for their ‘impeccable behaviour’.  I also received a text from Mary Russell School saying that our pupils were a real credit to the school. The weather and the exciting itinerary made a huge contribution to the success of last week’s trip, but it was the children’s manners, behaviour and enthusiasm that made it a truly memorable time away.  Well done, boys and girls; you did us proud!  Please can I also take this opportunity to thank Mrs McBride for giving of her own time to accompany us on the excursion.  We couldn’t have got through the week without you.

Finally, it was fantastic to receive so many comments on last week’s blog entries from parents, pupils and staff. I know the Scarborough excursion is over, but please keep the comments coming whenever something grabs your interest on the blog. It’s really encouraging to hear from our readers and a great way for everyone to share their thoughts on what’s going on in St Bart’s.

Friday 7th June 2013

What a fantastic week P7 have had in Scarborough. If you’ve been reading the blog over the past five days, you’ll know what a fun-packed trip it’s been. The boys and girls have been absolute stars; not one bit of bother and a real pleasure to be with. They have done St Bartholomew’s and their parents proud. Well done to all of you!

We will be leaving Scarborough around 10am this morning and are hoping to arrive back in Townhead between 3.00 and 3.30pm. Please keep an eye on the blog for a more accurate time of arrival; the school will also send out a text sometime after lunch.

P1-6, enjoy the disco tonight and thank you to the Parent Council for organising the event. See you all on Monday morning.

A perfect trip!

Great night out in Scarborough. A wee bit of money spent at the amusements, some delicious ice cream eaten, a wander round a gift shop and…. another visit to THE TOWER OF TERROR! However, the man at the door caught us out this time by sending in his pal with a mask to jump out on us around every corner! Scary stuff! Thomas spent the whole time clutching onto Mr Young’s arm!

We then sat in the park having a sneaky listen to Olly Murs singing live (he was doing an open air concert tonight). The concert finished with a fireworks display… the perfect end to a perfect trip!

For the final time… G’night Townhead!

Flamingo Fantastic!

We’ve all had a fantastic day at an unbelievably sunny Flamingo Land. I think most of the boys and girls went on every single ride at least ten times, with the ‘motorbikes’ being the most popular. However, the definite highlight for me, Mrs McBride, Dylan and Dillon was soaking Aidan with huge water cannons! Once he was on the ride, he couldn’t escape!!! If only we could have taken a photograph at the same time as firing the cannons!

Primary 1, you were right – Mrs McBride LOVED the balloon ride! Primary 6, we’re very impressed that you used our bowling scores to do some mental maths.

Anyway, one last night in Scarborough. We’ve all saved £5 of our spending money and are going to enjoy one last evening on the front… maybe even another visit to the Tower of Terror!