Thursday 27th June 2013

The Primary 7’s had an absolute blast at their beach party last night and it was great being able to chill out together in the evening sunshine. Have a great final day of primary school, boys and girls, and all the very best as you move on to secondary school. Make sure you pop in and see us now and again.

Miss Docherty, Miss Lee, Mrs Ruddy and Mrs Bell: we will all really miss you but wish you all the very best as you wave goodbye to St Bartholomew’s later today. Keep in touch!

So, we’ve finally arrived at the last day of term. It’s been a jam-packed year, full of fun, and I know we’re all taking lots of good memories of the past eleven months with us into the summer holidays. Thank you to the St Bartholomew’s staff for all your hard work and support since my arrival at St Bart’s. You’re a great team and definitely deserve a well-earned rest over the summer! To parents, carers, parishioners and friends, thank you for welcoming me so warmly this year and for supporting the work of St Bartholomew’s so wholeheartedly. We couldn’t get by without you. However, my biggest vote of thanks needs to go to our AWESOME pupils. You’re the reason why we’re all here and you are the ones who truly make St Bart’s the fantastic school it is. I’m so proud of everything you’ve achieved this year. Well done to you all!… you’re absolute STARS!

Have a fantastic summer holiday, everyone! See you at 9 o’clock on Friday 16th August (9.45am start for new P1’s). So…


Mr Young 🙂

One thought on “Thursday 27th June 2013”

  1. What a party, Pr7! I never thought I would see the teachers and all the children do a congo line across the trimtrail! Have a great holiday everyone and keep in touch when you go to secondary school!

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