Wednesday 19th June 2013

Please remember to return the slip indicating the arrangements for your child getting home after the show tomorrow evening. Thank you. P1-7 pupils should arrive at 6.30pm, entering through the main entrance. Nursery children should be dropped off at 6.45pm and will be finished by approximately 7.15pm.

I have been asked if parents are permitted to take photographs during tomorrow’s performances. For a number of different reasons, the school does not have permission to photograph all pupils in the school and, due to child protection, we are unable to allow photographs to be taken or videos to be recorded during public performances. However, photographs were taken at yesterday’s dress rehearsal and we will be able to post a selection of these on the website next week. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation around this sensitive issue; it is very much appreciated.

There are several important documents coming out over the coming days:
– P1-7 report cards will be sent out on Friday.
– A letter giving details of next year’s classes will be sent out on Monday or Tuesday of next week.
– A final newsletter will be sent home next week. This will include the five priorities on next year’s School Improvement Plan as well as some important dates for Term 1.
– The 2012/13 School Improvement Report will go live on our website before we break for the summer holidays.

Don’t forget to grab the last remaining tickets for the school show. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

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