Friday 14th June 2013

Tickets are going fast for our summer show, ‘A Night on Broadway’.  Tickets go on general sale today, so if you have not purchased the two tickets allocated to your family, please make sure you pick these up as soon as possible from the office.  Once tickets have been sold, we will be unable to accommodate any more people due to fire regulations.

I am currently reading through all of the children’s reports and writing a comment on each.  It’s been great to read about the fantastic progress the boys and girls have made this year. I’m so proud of them! Reports will go out no later than Friday of next week.  

Final staffing arrangements for next year will be confirmed by the local authority over the next few days and I will then be in a position to let you know who your child’s teacher will be in August.  A letter will be sent out towards the beginning of the final week.

Unfortunately, It seems the sun has decided to disappear for the time being.  However, I hope you all have a great weekend once it arrives, despite the rain.  Don’t forget to check out the Cool Class, winning House and Pupils of the Week at 3 o’clock!

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