Wednesday 12th June 2013

It was fantastic to welcome our new intake of Primary 1’s to St Bartholomew’s yesterday morning.  We hope you enjoyed meeting your buddies, having a tour of the building and tucking into your first St Bart’s school lunch!  Enjoy your last couple of weeks in nursery, boys and girls, and we look forward to seeing you again in August.

I’ve been so impressed at the quality of the children’s performances during this week’s show rehearsals.  They’ve been working really hard on their songs… you’re in for a treat on the 20th!  At the moment, tickets are restricted to two per family.  However, additional tickets will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis from Friday morning onwards.  

Tuesday 11th June 2013

Once again, we welcome our new Primary 1’s, along with their parents, to St Bartholomew’s this morning.  This is the final event in our transition programme.  The children will meet their P7 buddy who will give them a tour of the school, including a special visit to see our current Primary 1’s.  The boys and girls will then get the chance to enjoy lunch together in the dining hall.  We are very much looking forward to you starting in August and hope that you enjoy your visit to St Bartholomew’s today!

I heard that the Primary 7 pupils who remained in school last week were absolute stars and a great help to the younger classes they spent time in. Well done, everyone!