Monday 10th June 2013

Good morning!

I must say, it’s good to be back in St Bartholomew’s and I’m looking forward to catching up with pupils and staff this morning.  It was a real treat to see the wonderful weather continue over the weekend.  Let’s hope it’s a sign of things to come as the summer holidays approach.

Final rehearsals begin for our school show, ‘A Night in Broadway’, today and will continue until our dress rehearsal next week.  The show is jam-packed with a whole string of well-known hits from the musicals and it will be fantastic to see every single child in the school perform on stage.    Make sure you grab your ticket for Thursday 20th!

I received a letter from the proprietor of the Scarborough hotel P7 stayed in last week thanking the children for their ‘impeccable behaviour’.  I also received a text from Mary Russell School saying that our pupils were a real credit to the school. The weather and the exciting itinerary made a huge contribution to the success of last week’s trip, but it was the children’s manners, behaviour and enthusiasm that made it a truly memorable time away.  Well done, boys and girls; you did us proud!  Please can I also take this opportunity to thank Mrs McBride for giving of her own time to accompany us on the excursion.  We couldn’t have got through the week without you.

Finally, it was fantastic to receive so many comments on last week’s blog entries from parents, pupils and staff. I know the Scarborough excursion is over, but please keep the comments coming whenever something grabs your interest on the blog. It’s really encouraging to hear from our readers and a great way for everyone to share their thoughts on what’s going on in St Bart’s.

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