Wednesday 5th June 2013

Good morning to one and all.

It’s Day 3 of the P7 trip to Yorkshire. We’re heading to the beautiful city of York today and have a ghost walk, river cruise and visit to the Yorvik Centre to look forward to. This evening, we’ll be off down the coast to Bridlington for a few games of ten pin bowling. Another fun day in store!

Thank you Primary 2, 3/2, 4 and all our parents and friends for your recent comments. We’ve loved reading them and they’ve really helped keep homesickness at bay (with a little help too from the lorne sausage we had for breakfast!… Did the hotel import it all the way from Scotland just for St Bart’s??!!).

Have a good day, everyone.

8 thoughts on “Wednesday 5th June 2013”

  1. Thank you for the great adverb task! We had fun spotting them and putting in our own in place of them. We used our atlases to find Scarborough, Bridlington and York. You have travelled far! We looked at pictures of Scarborough Castle and Jack said it didn’t look like much of a castle, until he found out its age. We also learned another name for square sausage is Lorne sausage. Today sounds an excellent day! Have fun!! {Today’s typist,Cara Fallen}.

  2. Thoroughly enjoying reading about your wonderful trip to Yorkshire. I am exhausted just reading about all your activities!!
    Mrs Pollock

  3. It’s nice to hear that you are all having such an interesting time. We are a little worried about you all going on the ghost walk! It sounds far too sacry for us lot!! Enjoy the river trip and we hope the sun is still shinning.
    Your P.7 pals, Louisa and Josh want to say that they are missing you, hope you are all having fun and hope you remember to bring them back a souvenir!!

  4. Greetings from Sunny Scotland, what an action packed holiday you are all having and every day is just as exciting as the next.

    Hope you all take loads of pictures and are putting your sun tan lotion on (yes Jack esp. you )
    Enjoy your river cruise and Ghost walk little ghost busters woooooooooooooh!!!!!!

    Jacks mum

  5. well hi to you all, hope you are all having a fab time and tell kaitlyn I am missing her wee face about the house. Hope Mr Young wont be acting too “young ” when you get to the mad shows tomorrow,, maybe you all will have to babysit him…lol have a fantastic time!!!

  6. Glad you are all having a good time……..can you tell rhys i said hello………the house is quiet without him lol

  7. Hiya, sounds like you are having a blast. i am enjoying reading all the blogs n reading what u have been up to, it sounds great and the fact the weather is on your side makes it even better. Two more days to go till I see my girl Kaelin, tell her we miss her loads and cant wait to see her on Friday. Have fun everyone x

  8. Hi Everyone

    I can’t believe you managed to get Lorne sausage in York. I bet they were munched up very quickly.I am taking care of your wee hamster Emily, I even picked him up!!! (I have to admit I am still a wee bit scared of him though).

    The house is very, very, very quiet without you. Who would know that one wee person could make so much noise. We are all missing you loads. Have an amazing time and go on all the rides at Flamingo Land. Remember not to be spending your money on buying gifts, spend it on you and have a ball!!

    Katrina x

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