Kings of the Castle!

We’ve taken advantage of another beautiful, sunny evening and headed into central Scarborough. Dylan H, Caitlyn, Rhys and Ellie used up £2 of their spending money to visit the ‘Tower of Terror’. Thankfully, they lived to tell the tale!

Scarborough Castle, which sits way above the town, was too hard to resist, so we’ve scaled the hill and are now enjoying the sunset over the North Bay from the summit. Bliss! It’s a lovely end to another fantastic day.

G’night Townhead!

5 thoughts on “Kings of the Castle!”

  1. Oh it’s so great to read this blog and the adventures of you all! It sounds great and God must be looking down giving you all giving you great weather and helping you make the most of this experience. Tell Jack he is a big scaredy Cat for not going on the ‘tower of terror‘


  2. Enjoying reading about the day’s events and sounds like it’s been an eventful few days. With all these different places they’ve all visited I don’t think the one disposable camera was enough for the trip 😀 Looking forward to hearing about tomorrow’s events and seeing the pictures when DIllon’s home.

  3. Sounds like you’s are having a fantastic time. Morgan wishes she was there too. Can’t wait to hear about tomorrow’s adventures. Brenda, Morgan and Rhys

  4. Sounds like you’re all having a great time Mr Young- remember to bring some rock back of your old friends at Woodlands! Enjoy the rest of your trip.

  5. Hello everybody in York, it’s great hearing
    About all your adventures sounds as if your
    Having a fantastic time. Hope the rest of your
    Holiday is wonderful too, see you on Friday
    Dylan xx

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