Wednesday 5th June 2013

Good morning to one and all.

It’s Day 3 of the P7 trip to Yorkshire. We’re heading to the beautiful city of York today and have a ghost walk, river cruise and visit to the Yorvik Centre to look forward to. This evening, we’ll be off down the coast to Bridlington for a few games of ten pin bowling. Another fun day in store!

Thank you Primary 2, 3/2, 4 and all our parents and friends for your recent comments. We’ve loved reading them and they’ve really helped keep homesickness at bay (with a little help too from the lorne sausage we had for breakfast!… Did the hotel import it all the way from Scotland just for St Bart’s??!!).

Have a good day, everyone.

Kings of the Castle!

We’ve taken advantage of another beautiful, sunny evening and headed into central Scarborough. Dylan H, Caitlyn, Rhys and Ellie used up £2 of their spending money to visit the ‘Tower of Terror’. Thankfully, they lived to tell the tale!

Scarborough Castle, which sits way above the town, was too hard to resist, so we’ve scaled the hill and are now enjoying the sunset over the North Bay from the summit. Bliss! It’s a lovely end to another fantastic day.

G’night Townhead!

Our morning in adverbs, especially for P6!

Thank you Primary 1 & Primary 6 for your messages. Primary 6 are looking for more adverbs in the blog, so here goes!

We woke up excitedly in the hotel this morning to see the sun shining brilliantly through the windows. The boys and girls ate their breakfast of sausage, bacon and egg hungrily before jumping briskly onto the coach and promptly heading off to the Sealife Centre. It was a fantastic trip where we had the chance to see giant turtles floating calmly in the pools, seals relaxing lazily in the sun, seahorses swimming daintily between the rocks and St Bart’s pupils gleefully exploring the treasures of the gift shop! Hope that’s enough adverbs, Primary 6!

We’re back on the bus now and off to Eden Camp World War II museum… it’s going to be a great afternoon! Hope the sun’s shining in Coatbridge!