We’ve arrived safe and sound in a VERY beautiful Scarborough. It’s been a fantastic day but we’re definitely all ready for our dinner. Dining room, here we come!!!!!

3 thoughts on “WE’VE ARRIVED!”

  1. Great news , hope you all have a great time and Jack I miss your wee face already !! Hope the sun shines all week and thanks for giving him the oppertunity to do this , you will both deserve a medal when you get back . From Jacks mum

  2. Hi Everyone

    Hope that there wasn’t too much sickness on your journey to York. It is so good to be able to get updates to find out how things are going, really puts the mind at ease. I am looking forward to visiting the blog this week to find out about all of the fabulous adventures!!! Have fun and be good!

    Katrina x x (Emily’s mum)

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