Tuesday 4th June 2013

Greetings from sunny Scarborough!

First of all, thank you to everyone who has left us a message… we’re really enjoying hearing from you!

We had a great first day yesterday. Our first port of call was Gretna where we enjoyed a leisurely lunch and a chill-out in the park. We were also entertained by a piper while he waited for the next wedding to arrive!

We then headed across the border and down to Beamish. This outdoor museum was like stepping back in time to the Victorian era. The children had the opportunity to explore the various authentic shops and they also got to ride on a tram and a 150 year old steam engine.

It was then time to head to Scarborough, our final destination and base for the rest of the week. We are staying in a fantastic hotel which we have all to ourselves. The owners are treating us like royalty… we even had a cooked breakfast this morning!

Back in St Bartholomew’s, this is the last week we are collecting items for ‘Mary’s Meals’. We are looking for donations of shorts, t-shirts, summer skirts, sandals and flip-flops over the next few days. These do not need to be brand new but should be in good condition.

Mrs O’Neill received a very generous donation yesterday from Andrew (P6), Rachael (P4) and Stella (P2) who gifted a substantial amount of money from their holiday savings towards ‘Mary’s Meals’. Rachael also donated some of her First Communion money. Andrew decided to organise this along with his sisters after watching the film ‘Child 31’. Thank you, all three of you, for your kindness and generosity. Your money will make a huge difference to the lives of children your age in some of the poorest parts of the world.

Mrs Bolland told me on the phone last night that everyone behaved and work very well yesterday. I’m missing you all! Have a good day, everyone.

11 thoughts on “Tuesday 4th June 2013”

  1. It is great to hear that you are all having a great time. Enjoy the sunshine and I look forward to reading all the updates!!

  2. Sounds like you are all having a fab time. We hope the sun keeps shining for you. Enjoy your trip. From P.3/2

  3. Hello everyone! We enjoyed reading all about your journey to Scarborough and we wondered if you saw any old toys in the Beamish museum because we have been learning about old toys. We hope you enjoyed the trip on the steam engine.
    It is very, very sunny here today and we hope it is sunny in Scarborough too. We can’t wait to hear what you are all up to today – so keep us posted.

  4. Hello everyone! We enjoyed reading all about your journey to Scarborough and we wondered if you saw any old toys in the Beamish museum because we have been learning about old toys. We hope you enjoyed the trip on the steam engine.
    It is very, very sunny here today and we hope it is sunny in Scarborough too. We can\’t wait to hear what you are all up to today – so keep us posted.

  5. We are going to be reading your blog every day! As well as enjoying keeping up to date with all you are doing we are using the blog as a Text Detective Task! Not enough adverbs today but plenty of apostrophes to make us think!! Spelling is good SO far! Have a great day hope the weather stays as good as ours! Hope Mrs McBride didn’t eat all the sausages!

  6. Thank you for the daily updates on what you are all doing in your lovely week away I am sure the children are all having a fantastic time

  7. Sounds like you all had a fabulous day yesterday. Hope the sun makes an appearance for the rest of the week and you have a great day today too 😀

  8. P2 hope you are all having a great time. We miss all of you in the school and we can’t wait to hear about your trip when you return!

  9. We’re glad to hear you are all having a good time. Some of us are even missing our big brothers and sisters a tiny wee bit!

    We are also very proud of Rachael and her family- well done!

    From Primary 4 and Mrs O’Neill

  10. We’re glad to hear you are all having a good time. Some of us are even missing our big brothers and sisters a tiny wee bit!

    We are looking forward to seeing what other adventures you have been having.

    We are also very proud of Rachael and her family- well done!

    From Primary 4 and Mrs O’Neill

  11. Hi Everyone

    it sounds like you are having an amazing time. I am looking forward to hearing about all the rides at Flamingo Land. Enjoy every minute of your time York.


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