Greenhill Primary School

January 31, 2023
by Mr Whiteside

Valentines Disco

Valentine Disco Poster

The PTA Have organised a Valentines Disco for Thursday 9th February.

P1-4 – 6.15-7.30

P5-7 – 7.45-9.00

The cost for entry is £2 per child and is paid at the door upon entry.  As usual, parents dropping off or collecting children should do so via the gate on Colt Terrace.

January 11, 2023
by Mr Whiteside

P1 Enrollment

Registration for infant beginners for session 2023/24 will take place week commencing Monday 16th January 2023.   Please see the attached poster for more information on dates and times.

P1 Enrolment Poster

When enrolling your child please make sure you bring a birth certificate and a current council tax bill.

October 14, 2022
by Mr Whiteside

Digital Survey

During our Parents Evening on Wednesday night, we asked parents to fill in our digital learning survey.  If you haven’t already done so you can do this by clicking on the link above.  This survey will help us to support both children and adults with digital learning.

Thank you in advance for your support with this.

September 16, 2022
by Mr Whiteside

October Holiday Camps

October Camps

Attached is all information on our October Camps. Would it be possible to share this information with the parents and guardians of the pupils at your school or any other groups you feel this may be of interest to.

Please see link to the website below for further details including video of programme along with terms + condition.


September 8, 2022
by Mr Whiteside

Meet The Teacher Afternoon

Dear Parents,

We are looking forward to welcoming you into school on Monday 12th September at 2pm for our “Meet The Teacher” afternoon. This will give you all the opportunity to see your child at work in their classroom, see some of the learning that has been happening recently and meet your child’s teacher.

We will open the top gate on Colt Terrace at 2pm on Monday where you will be escorted into the school by our fabulous Primary 7 pupils, you are welcome to stay in class until around 2.40pm. You can take your child home at this time should you wish.

If you have more than one child in the school, you are welcome to move between the different classes.

Should there be any queries regarding this event, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the school or through my e-mail on

After a 2 year absence due to covid, we are excited at the return of this popular event.

Kindest Wishes,
Mr S Whiteside,
Acting Head Teacher

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