Greenhill Primary School



“Trying our very best to ensure everyone achieves success.”

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Greenhill Primary School website. I hope that you find this website useful and informative and that it gives you a flavour of school life. Should you have further questions you are most welcome to visit the school at any time. We will endeavour to ensure that any enquiries are dealt with speedily and courteously.

When children join Greenhill Primary School, they are welcomed into a vibrant, happy community of learners. Very quickly, they become immersed and proactive in the array of activities that we provide. We aim to be forward thinking, innovative, and to develop the academic ability of all children and their potential by equipping them with the skills, confidence and knowledge to succeed in our ever-changing world.

Visitors to the school will be impressed by our warm and welcoming ethos, the high quality care displayed by staff and pupils alike, our hardworking courteous pupils and the ‘I can’ attitude embraced by all.  Our staff are extremely conscientious and committed to raising pupil attainment and achievement.

We seek to ensure all of our pupils are safe, healthy, active, nurtured, achieving, respected, responsible and included under the North Lanarkshire policy on Getting it Right for Every Child.

We believe that education is a partnership between home and school and recognise the key role of parents and carers in the education process. We aim to involve parents and carers in all aspects of their children’s learning and in our school community.


All of our school news can be found on our twitter feed. Please follow us to find out more.

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