Greenhill Primary School

Rights Respecting School


What is a Rights Respecting School Award? 

The Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) is all about making sure that our children and young people know and understand their rights as global citizens and respect the rights of others. The award centres around making sure that the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is known and understood by all students.  We promote rights to ensure that our children and young people have everything they need to be  happy, healthy and safe.


Greenhill’s Aspirations as a Rights Respecting School

At Greenhill Primary School we are on a journey to be recognised as a Rights Respecting School.  We are currently working towards Level 2 of the Rights Respecting School Award and we have been trying to putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of our school’s planning, policies, practice and

Make A Difference Groups

Pupils’ opinions and thoughts are sought, encouraged and respected in all aspects of the school’s work.  Pupil leadership is an integral part of the school’s ethos.  Children are given opportunities to lead aspects of school life through a range of MAD Groups including: Global Citizenship, Outdoor Learning, Rights Respecting School Committee, Junior Road Safety Officers, Eco Committee, Health Committee and P7/P1 Buddies.


How Can I Get Involved?

At Greenhill Primary School we have set up a Rights Respecting School Steering Group.  This group is made up of pupils, staff, parents and members of our local community.  We are responsible for taking the lead in promoting children’s rights throughout Greenhill Primary school.  If you would be interested in joining our RRSA Steering Group, please get in touch with the school office.  We would love your help!








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