Category Archives: Primary 7

Primary 7 Football fun

On Wednesday 10th of May some of the primary 7s who play for the school football team went to the Airdrie Sports Centre  to play a football tournament. They may not have won any competitive games but they did have lots of fun. They had a great time and behaved brilliantly.

– Caleb Hunter

Harvest Assembly by P7B

Pupils of P7B shared their learning about Harvest celebrations around the world, the interdependence of plants and their thoughts on being thankful. Their performance of ‘Get Up and Grow the Seed’ was energetic and enjoyed by parents and pupils. Their seasonal lanterns and Harvest display provided a colourful setting for the first class assembly of the year.

Click on the link to watch a clip of the song. (More pics to be added after holiday week!)

Get up & grow the seed

P5/6 Learning about Peer Pressure

P5/6 have been exploring how to say ‘NO’ to peer pressure situations that might make them feel uncomfortable in the future. We’ve learned that there are many ways to say ‘NO’, but the best way is to be Assertive: look the person in the eye, stand up straight and say firmly, “NO, I don’t want to.”

Look at our models of different, less effective ways to say ‘NO’.

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We’ve also been learning about ‘tricks’ people use to put pressure on others to say or do something that makes them uncomfortable. We made up drama sketches for scenarios and our classmates had to explain if the peer pressure was spoken or unspoken, who was being pressured and which ‘trick’ was being used against them.

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Some tricks include ‘The Huddle’, ‘The Look’ and ‘Reasoning’.

Follow this link to learn more about Peer Pressure.