Monthly Archives: May 2017

Primary 7 Football fun

On Wednesday 10th of May some of the primary 7s who play for the school football team went to the Airdrie Sports Centre  to play a football tournament. They may not have won any competitive games but they did have lots of fun. They had a great time and behaved brilliantly.

– Caleb Hunter

60th anniversary

Dunrobin celebrated its 60th anniversary with a fun full day of activities. All of the children from primary 1 to primary 7 enjoyed their action packed day. We had old fashioned games, an obstacle course, bouncy castle and slide, a scavenger hunt, and parachute games, just to mention a few. There was much excitement during the end of day disco that ended with a dance off! Mrs Armstrong made an amazing cake to celebrate this day, it was delicious. Please check our twitter for all of the pictures from today’s activities.