A vital link between the Community and Clarkston Primary School and Nursery, the PTA provides excellent support by fundraising to give our learners a wide variety of experiences.


Fundraising is one of the main objectives for the PTA and anyone wishing to donate can do so by contacting the PTA.  Receipts can be provided for all donations which may help any business wishing to donate and give a little back to our community.  All donations are always gratefully received, especially in the current climate as it is increasingly challenging securing donations required to facilitate events.  If you perhaps are unable to donate personally, please consider if you have family or friends, or a local business you perhaps use often, who would kindly provide donations such as vouchers, items to raffle, monetary donations, etc.

The PTA are always looking for new members to join and support their fundraising activities, as without new members it will not be possible to run all the usual events such as Discos and Christmas Fayre, or subsidise trips.  Most of the members work full time and the majority of the tasks needing done can be suited around their busy lives, such as wrapping gifts, collecting supplies, contacting businesses for support.

The PTA meet 8 times per year, but most of the tasks are discussed via WhatsApp.  To contact the PTA email clarkstonPTA@outlook.com or visit the Facebook page Clarkston Primary School PTA.

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