We are finalising our consultation on school/nursery values and aims. Please complete our questionnaire… your voice counts. The survey closes on 9th March at 5pm.
All posts by Miss Bowman
Rights Respecting Questionnaire
As part of our Rights Respecting Bronze Award we invite all pupils to share their thoughts and opinions. Please complete the questionnaire below to have your say.
HMIe Inspection Visit
HMIe inspectors are visiting Clarkston Primary School and Nursery Class during week beginning 8th May 2017. You can support the school by completing the online survey by Friday 28th April. Copy and paste the following link in to your browser:
Spooky Enterprise Treats
The Enterprise Committee worked hard to make lots of spooky Halloween goodies to sell to pupils. The profit will be used to organise and host a school event later in the year. We all look forward to what the Enterprise Committee are secretly planning!
Halloween Disco Fun
Lots of fun was had by all at the Spooktacular Halloween Disco. The costumes were fantastic and a blast was had by all. Thanks to the PTA for organising the event!
PTA Hallowe’en Disco – Thursday 27th October
The PTA Hallowe’en Disco is on Thursday 27th October –
P1-3: 6.15 – 7.15pm
P4-7: 7.30 – 8.45pm
Parents/carers are requested to collect their child/ren from the school gym hall at the end of the disco.
Tickets go on sale on Monday 24th October: £1.50
No scary clown costumes please!!!!
Bag 2 School
Our PTA have been working hard to raise money to support school activities such as science workshops, pantomimes etc… The Bag 2 School collection has been arranged for Wednesday 12th October at 9am. If you have any Bag 2 School donations then please take them to the school main entrance, just outside the school office, on the morning of Wednesday 12th October. Many thanks to the PTA for organising this and also to all who donate! 🙂
Non Uniform Day – Thursday 22nd September
Non-Uniform Day
A non-uniform day in aid of school funds will be held on Thursday 22nd September. Children are invited to wear casual clothes and make a donation of £1 to the school.
Parent Council Survey
It is now 10 years since the introduction of the Parental Involvement Act 2006 and the authority is revising its Parental Engagement Strategy. As part of the review NLC want to accurately comment on schools’ current and intended relationship with parents.
The recently published Education Scotland Act 2016 and the HGIOS4 both contain dedicated sections which emphasise the need for schools and parents to work effectively to enhance pupil progress and school improvement.
To that end two surveys have been created for schools and parents to reflect and comment on current practice and suggest how parental engagement might be improved.
Can I encourage yourself, as a member of your school’s Parent Council and through you the wider Parent Forum, to take some time to complete the survey as your thoughts are immensely valuable.
The link for the parent survey (via Survey Monkey) is:
Many thanks for your support
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