P6/5 IDL Homework
P6/5 will be investigating The Victorians for their new IDL topic. Our learning will focus on the Victorian Era in Britain and how the Victorians lived. Therefore the IDL Homework for this term will be to choose from the tasks below to complete.
Your project will need to be completed by the 7/3/16 so that you can present your work to your class.
Get creative and have fun!!
- Make a Victorian Timeline
- Make a Queen Victoria Factfile
- Create a poster to show differences in School between now and Victorian times.
- Design a Mindmap of Victorian Inventions
- Design an outfit for a Rich & Poor Victorian
- Draw a Victorian Home
- Make poster about a Famous Victorian Person
- Write a diary entry of a Victorian child working in one of the Workhouses
Or perhaps you have your own idea, let me know what you’re thinking if you want to do something different from the tasks listed on the above list.
Hope you and your families have a great time working on your project.