Maths Games

Look at the websites below and play some of the games on them.  Comment on this post to say which games you enjoyed or found helpful in your learning and give a reason why.








12 thoughts on “Maths Games”

  1. It’s not letting me play the games one of them it didn’t let me go on the website and in the outher it said I needed flash player .

  2. Paige has tried all different links on the iPad for heptagon but it will not work on an iPad as it requires flash player to access the games and we do not have a laptop or PC so unfortunately Paige could not access any of the games
    Mark Tummon

  3. Hi miss woodley,see for the burns supper the “to a mouse” poem that was to small when I printed it so I’ve printed “A red red rose

  4. Sounds good Garry. I will print you, “To a Mouse” today and you and your group can choose which one you prefer.

    Paige and Amy – don’t worry about the games not working. You’ve tried and that’s all you were asked to do. Sounds like they might only work on computers and laptops then.

  5. hi Miss Woodley it worked for me because Im on a computer and I really enjoyed the first one where you done lots of challenges from someone called Caleb . On the one where it was a race with space ships was a little bit tricky because if you were not fast enough of getting your answer it would take you on to the next question so I was just pressing ones that I thought it was but apart from that I enjoyed it .

  6. I liked stop the clock because you had a short amount to of time to pick were to stop and you could pick the speed it goes

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