Maths Homework 2

Well done to all those who worked hard on their multiplication last week. We are going to continue with this for another week to give people a chance to consolidate or extend their learning. How did you get on last week? Are you going to keep working on the same times table facts or are you ready to move on to something new. Remember to comment here and let me know.

11 thoughts on “Maths Homework 2”

  1. I got on very well with my times tables. This week I’m going to work on the 6,7 and eight. The facts I’m goin to work on are 7,7 . My aim is to know them like that

  2. I think I did Really well because I felt confident before the test although I got 8/10 . This week need to remember the facts 6×9= 54 , 7×9=63 , 8×8=64 and 8×9=72

  3. I am going to keep practicing my 6,7 and 8 times tables because i got one wrong and I want to know them of by heart.

  4. i think me learning my 6,7,8 and 4 times table rely helped me
    with my math p.s I DID 18 SUMS 2 FOR EACH P.P.S I LERNED
    MY 4,6,7 AND 8

  5. Last week I think I done well and that I’m going to keep working on my 6,7,8 times tables

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