All posts by Miss Woodley

Art Exhibition Ideas

As you all know we are having an art exhibition next term. The theme for this year is movies. Do you have any suggestions for what movie you would like to do? If so, what art activities could we do? Post your ideas and suggestions here and we’ll have a vote some time next week. Looking forward to reading them!

Maths in the Environment

Primary 7 went outside to search for right angles in the playground. We discovered that there are often right angles everywhere you look.

We now know about other types of angle too and have found some of these in nature. Having fun helps us to learn and remember what we’ve learnt!

Fire Safety Talk

This afternoon Primary 6 and 7 in both Chapelhall & St Aloysius had a fire safety talk. We learnt about the dangers of Bonfire Night & the ways to keep safe. Unfortunately during the talk the firemen were called away to an emergency. Well done to the teachers who talked through the slide show! Please comment below with answers to these two questions.

1. What shocked you the most?

2. What was the most important thing you learnt about fire safety?