Primary 7 all did a science investigation about the flow of electricity. Each group decided to investigate which materials or objects conduct electricity. Here are some photographs of them doing their work. Primary 7s – what did you find out from your investigation?
It looks like you were working together on this task Primary 7. It will be interesting to hear yourfindings.
I learned that if you use more than one light bulb or battery’s it changes the light in the lights also a pencil conducts electricity but I stil didn’t find out if a you hold a light switch in the middle will it conduct electricity or not ?
From the investigations we did I learned that tigger does not conduct electricity but pencil sharpener does
I found out that electricity doesn’t flow through Jammy Dogers and that lead is a very good source for electricity. I really enjoyed the task but was a bit upset that most of the objects we chose didn’t conduct electricity.
I learned that electricity conducts through any metal object and the led on my pencil but electricity
Does not conduct through plastic or a rubber. 🙂
Fantastic work. Ryan – sorry that most of the objects you picked didn’t conduct electricity. If you finish your work quickly maybe you could try some other objects? Lauren – you could also have a go at putting a switch in the middle to see if the electricity flows round the circuit if you finish your work. Think about it though, the electricity only flows if there are no gaps in the circuit. Think about the circuit symbol for a switch when it is off and on. What would it look like when it’s in the middle?
Me and my group found out that plastic does not conduct electricity. Also electricity doesn’t pass through soft things, but it can pass through a pencil if you clip one wire onto the metal bit where the rubber is and the other wire onto where the led is showing.
I found out that a rubber doesn’t conduct electricity but a led of a pencil does.
I learned that when you try to see if electricity goes through a plastic sharpener it doesn’t work but if you try to do it through a metal sharpener it does work. Also the electricity doesn’t go through the middle or end of the pencil but if you try to connect it to the top of the pencil on the lead it does work.
I found out that a rubber or plastic Dosent conduct electricity.But a led of a pencil does
I found it that plastic doesn’t conduct electricity but the lead of a pencil is really good for conducting electricity.
I learned that electricity does not flow through plastersean or paper,but it flows through metal and led
I found out that plastic does not conduct electricity but metal does.
In my group most of the things we picked didn’t conduct electricity such as rubber and plastic but I did find out that led in a pencil and a coin conducts electricity.
I found that that a rubber dimes not conduct electricity but that a lead from a pencil does 🙂
From the investigation me and my group did we all learned that tigger doesn’t conduct electricity but the led of a pencil is very good for conducting electricity.
i found out that plastic stuff like ruler etc doesn’t conduct electricity and also most soft stuff. i found out that metal like keys etc carries electricity and some pencils (i think it depends on if led inside is snapped). i also learned that how bright the bulb is depends on the amount of light bulbs and batteries.
I found out that a pencil led conducted electricity so did a spoon as it is metal. I learned that plastic doesn’t conduct electricity.
i found out that a led of a pencil and a sharpener conducted electricity and the rest did not
I learned that electricity passes threw metal and my pencil led but does not pass threw rubber plastic and wood
I learned that rubber and plastic doesn’t conduct electricity but metal does.
During our groups experiment we found out that the lead of a pencil and money conduct electricity but a ruler and tiger didn’t. T enjoyed this experiment but I wasn’t expecting for lead to conduct electricity.
i found out that a led of a pencil conducted electricity and so did a spoon. I also found out that plastic doesn’t conduct electricity