2D Shapes

Primary 7 have been looking at a range of 2D shapes. They used geoboards to see which ones they could make. Primary 7 , pick a 2D shape and describe it in as much detail as you can. How many different shapes can we think of?

20 thoughts on “2D Shapes”

  1. lauren ~ a hexagon is a 6 sided shape it is a polygon and has 6 angles and edges.

    Ellie~ a heptagon is a 7 sided shape it is a polygon with 7 angles. I remember that a heptagon has 7 sides by remembering that a heptathlon has 7 events.

  2. a pentagon is a polygon and it has 5 sides, 5 points and five edges. it looks like a house that’s how I remember it. Max picked a rhombus, he said that it has 4 sides, it is a quadrilateral. Courtney peat picked a square. it has 4 sides, 4 edges and 4 points.

  3. a rhombus is a quadrilateral shape which some people mistake for a diamond or kite but is much different from a kite because in a rhombus all the sides are same and in a kite two are different.

  4. Triangle-
    A triangle is a 2d shape with 3 sides and 3 angles. The different triangles are Equilateral, Isosceles and a scalene. There are also right angled triangles, acute angled triangle and a obtuse angled triangle. An equilateral triangle has 3 equal sides, you would use this if you were making a house roof.

  5. my choice is a square it a quadliratical shape it has 4 right angles and it 4 corners. A square is a special type of rectangle. All of the sides are the same length.

  6. We have been learning about a decagon a decagon has 10 sides and you would usally call it a polygon.

  7. Triangle –

    Triangles come in lots of different shapes and sizes such as equilateral triangle which has 3 equal sides , isosceles triangle has two equal sides and a scalene triangle which has no equal sides.

  8. heptigon
    scalene triangle
    isosceles triangle
    equelateral triangle
    we also learnt the difference between a polygon and a quadrilateral
    polygon ~ more than 4 sided shap
    quadrilateral ~ 4 sided shape

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