Art Exhibition Ideas

As you all know we are having an art exhibition next term. The theme for this year is movies. Do you have any suggestions for what movie you would like to do? If so, what art activities could we do? Post your ideas and suggestions here and we’ll have a vote some time next week. Looking forward to reading them!

8 thoughts on “Art Exhibition Ideas”

  1. I would like to draw ET on the bike with the moon in the backround because we could draw a silhouette of the bike in charcoal and it would make it look very effective

  2. I would like to draw a part in hairspray when they are all dancing on stage, make the building 3D and draw the stage 3D. In the background we can use something colourful like a rainbow and draw the people with a pencil and colour in

  3. I think we should do up with the house and the balloons when they are in the air and use the 3d things to make the balloons and draw the house and for background maybe chalkpastels or paint?

  4. I had two ideas. My first was the house from up. We could paint the background and some clouds then draw a house on some different coloured card ( because the house is multicoloured ) then stick it on. We could draw the balloons on the paper then copy it on to card cut it out individualy then make some of them 3d.
    My next idea was paper chain minions that we could decorate however we wanted.

  5. Thanks very much for your ideas. They sound great. We will vote on them next week. It would be helpful if you could bring in a picture of the thing you want to recreate in case some people don’t know what it looks like. Thank you!

  6. Did you finally decide? Looking forward to all your ideas and the finished work too of course:)

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