Fire Safety Talk

This afternoon Primary 6 and 7 in both Chapelhall & St Aloysius had a fire safety talk. We learnt about the dangers of Bonfire Night & the ways to keep safe. Unfortunately during the talk the firemen were called away to an emergency. Well done to the teachers who talked through the slide show! Please comment below with answers to these two questions.

1. What shocked you the most?

2. What was the most important thing you learnt about fire safety?

15 thoughts on “Fire Safety Talk”

  1. Good comments girls, it is really important to take care with sparklers. Hopefully everyone is aware of these dangers now due to this talk and Mrs Leggatt speaking to younger pupils at assembly.

  2. 1.what shocked me the most,that’s easy! Definitely how dangerous sparklers can be, especially the freaky three fingered hand!

    2. also easy,I never realised how badly you can be burned from a firework,that fire safety talk has put me of home-light fireworks and never again will I hold a sparkler.

  3. 1.i was shocked most at how hot sparklers are I never thought they would be that hot

    2.i learnt that if you go back to a firework that isn’t working the injuries you can get are dreadful

    I was really surprised at everything I got told at the fire safety talk and will be more cautious when near fireworks and sparklers

  4. 1- The most shocking was the injuries of the people

    2- i learned to never go back to a fireworks once lit

  5. 1. How hot sparklers are most shocked me
    2. I learned how dangerous fireworks can be and the consequences

  6. 1. i was most shocked at how hot sparkklers and harmful they are

    2.i have learned to not go near fireworks when they are going to go off

  7. 1.i was most shocked at how dangerous sparkelrs are!

    2.i have learned never to go near a bonfire when its about to go off!.

  8. 1. The damage that sparklers can do to people.

    2. To stay away from fireworks and to hold the bottom of sparklers.

  9. 1. I was most shocked at how much damage sparklers can do to people.
    2. I learened how dangerous a firework is.

  10. 1. There is no competition that I was most shocked by the mangled hand!

    2. I learned that fireworks are way more dangerous than they look

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