France Topic Asessment

Another fabulous topic finished, I hope you have all enjoyed it. I certainly loved seeing all of your amazing projects and sharing what you had learnt.

Let’s see what you have learnt in your topic about France.

Leave a comment below with answers to the following questions. (You never know you might even get bonus house points!)

1. Name the capital city of France.
2. Which river runs through the capital city? A bonus point if you can name another river in France.
3. Name one range of mountains in France.
4. List 3 famous landmarks in Paris.
5. List 3 traditional French foods.
6. Name a famous French person and what they are famous for.
7. What produce is the region of Brittany most famous for?
8. What would I expect to buy from Languedoc-Rousillon?
9. Which area of France is a popular tourist area? (North, South, East, West)
10. Name a sport that is popular in France.

(10 house points for each correct answer)



24 thoughts on “France Topic Asessment”

  1. 1. Capital of France is Paris
    2. The River Seine runs through Paris
    3. Range of mountains in France – Mont Blanc
    4. Famous Paris landmarks are – Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe and Sacre Coeur.
    5. Frogs Legs, Snails and Cheese are famous French foods
    6. Famous French person is Claude Monet a French Artist.
    7. Brittany is famous for crepes and cider
    8. You would expect to buy wine in Languedoc-Rousillion as it has many vineyards.
    9. The South of France is the most popular tourist area as it is hotter and has lovely beaches.
    10. France is famous for football and rugby.

  2. 1. Paris 2. Seine 3. Alpes 4. Arc de Triumphe, Eiffel tower, The Louvre 5. Crepes, Coq au vin, Gougere 6. Claude Monet and he is famous for painting pictures of Pointilism 7. Crepes 8. Wine 9. South 10. Football

  3. 1.Paris
    2.the river seine
    4.Eiffel tower,Arc de triomphe,the Louvre
    6.Claude Monet ,Artist

  4. 1 . Paris
    2. seine
    3.Massif central
    4.louvre, Eiffel tower , Sacre Coeur
    5 . Truffles , Crepes , beff baurguigno.
    6.zindine zidane football. or property
    10. Football


  5. Paris,scean,Alps,Eifel tower arc de trio mph,sacre cour,snails,cheese,crepes,zinadene zidan football,wine,wine,south,football

  6. 1. Paris 2. River Seine runs through Paris another river is dor dogne 3. The Alps 4. Eiffel Tower,Arc de triumphe and the louvre
    5. Cheese,snails and wine 6. Goerge Seurat he was famous for pointillism 7. Wine 8. Wine 9. East and north 10. Rugby

  7. 1) The capital city is Paris
    2)The river that runs through the capital city is the Seine.
    3) A mountain range in France is the Alps.
    4) 3 landmarks in Paris are the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and the Arc de triomphe.
    5) 3 traditional French foods are Escargot, frog legs and crepes.
    6) Marcel Marceau is famous in France for being a mime.
    7) The region of Brittany is most famous for producing champagne.
    8) If you are in Languedoc-Rousillon you would expect to buy a house.
    9) The most popular tourist area is the south of France.
    10) A famous sport in France is football.

  8. The region of Brittany is most famous for producing champagne or cider. You would expect to buy a house or wine in Languedoc-Rousillon.

  9. 1.Paris
    2.The river Seine and the Rhone
    3.The Alps
    4.The Notre Damn,The Louvre and The Arcde Triumph
    5.Ratatoullie,Camembert and Bouillabaisse
    6.Christian Louboutin is famous for designing shoes
    7.Shellfish/Oysters or wine

  10. 1. Paris
    2. Seine
    3. Alps
    4. Eifle Tower, Arc De Triumph, Sacre Couer
    5. Crepes, Fondoue, Snails
    6. Marcelle Marceaux (mime)
    7. Lace
    8. Seafood
    9. South
    10. Football/boules

  11. 1. Paris
    2. River Seine
    3. Mont Blanc
    4. Eiffel Tower,Louvre and Notre Dame Catherdral
    5. Madeleine, Ratatouille and Escargot
    6. Joan of Arc, she was a martyr
    7. Seafood
    8. Wine
    9. All of them are equally popular
    10. Rugby

  12. My awnsers were –

    2.The River Seine/Rhone
    3. The Alps
    4. Eiffle Tower/Acr de Triump/Lovure Pyrimd
    5. Crepes/Snails/Frogs Legs
    6. Marcel Marsol is a french mine artist.
    7. Champagne/Wine
    8. A House
    9. The South
    10. Football

  13. 1. Paris
    2. Seine ( another river is Loire)
    3. The Alps
    4. The Eiffel tower,the ,Louvre and Arc de triomphe.
    5.escargot ( snails) crepes and soupe a l’ogignon
    6. Claude Monet ( he was a famous artist)
    8. A house
    9. South
    10. Cycling

  14. 1. PARIS
    9. SOUTH

  15. 1.Paris 2. seine 3. Alpes 4. the Eiffel tower, the Arc de Triomphe and the Montmartre 5. Baguette, Baguette sandwich, Mousse au chocolat 6. Marie de France was famous for writing poems 7. seafood, pancakes, pork dishes and wine 8. wine 9. north 10. football.

  16. 1-Paris
    2-seine B-Rhone
    4-Arc De Triumphe , Eiffel Tower , Louvre
    5-Snails , Frog Legs , Ratitoulle
    6-Claude Monet , Impressionism

  17. 1. Paris
    2. The Seine & The Loire
    3. The Alps
    4. The Eiffel Tower, L’Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre
    5. Croissants, crepes & snails
    6. Claude Monet -painting
    7. Seafood & pancakes (crepes)
    8. Wine
    9. North
    10. Football & Petanque

  18. My answers
    1. Paris
    2. The Seine and the Rhone
    3. The Alps
    4. The Louvre, Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe
    5. Beouf bourguignon, cheese and chocolate soufflé
    6. David Guetta, he is famous for his dj skills and all the amazing hits he has made with other singers
    7. Shellfish
    8. Wine
    9. West coast
    10. Rugby

  19. 1 Paris 2 seine 3 Alps 4 iffel tower louvre notre dame cathedral 5 snails crepes pasta 6 zidane for football 7 tourist attractions 8 snails 9 north 10 football

  20. 1 .Paris 2.seine (bonus Loire)3.pyrenees 4.effel tower ,arch de triomph,the louvre 5.creeps ,snails,cheese 6.claude Monet 7.creeps 8.A house 9.south

  21. 1. Paris
    2. The Seine. Another river in France is the Loire.
    3. The Alps
    4. Eiffel tower, Sacre Coeur, Arc de Triomphe
    5. Baguette, croissant, snails
    6. George Seurat is an artist who does pointillism
    7. Pork
    8. Wine
    9. South
    10. Boules

  22. 1. Paris
    2.River Seine (River Loire, which is the longest river in France)
    3.The Alps
    4.The Eiffel Tower-The Louvre-Arc de triomphe
    5.Snails-Frog legs-Croissant
    6.George Seurat famous for pointilism
    9.The North of France

  23. For question 9 I said south because of the warm weather and you can go skiing in the mountains

  24. 1.Paris
    2.Sane (Rhone )
    3.Mon block
    4.Eiffel tower , Ark de triomphe and the louver.
    5.Snails ,Yule log and crepes.
    6.Gorge Swerat (he was famous for creating wonderful paintings with dots

    8. ?

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