IDL Homework 25th January 2016

When we arrived at the Parliament we saw an exhibition by a Scottish artist. What was his name and why was Elsie Inglis such an inspiration to him?

Just as we were about to leave we bumped into Nicola Sturgeon, explain her role in Parliament.

17 thoughts on “IDL Homework 25th January 2016”

  1. The name of the artist was John Bellany.
    Elsie Inglis was and inspiration to John Bellany because she worked in a hospital during World War One and she wanted to help many people who were injured and to keep trying and working hard to make the injured people better,that’s why Elsie Inglis was an inspiration to John Bellany

  2. The artist is called John Bellaney and he was inspired by Elsie Inglis because of her work in the women’s hopsital

    Nicola Sturgeons role in Parliament is first minister

  3. His name is John Bellany and Elise inglis is an inspiration to him because she was a nurse I’m World War One and she helped people get better and helping people get better was all age cared about

    Nicola sturgeons role is the first minister and she helps make decisions for how Scotland is fun .

  4. His name was John Bellany and he was inspired because Elsie Inglis helped people.

    Nicola Sturgeon is first minister of Scotland

  5. His name was John Bellany. Elsie inglis was an inspiration because she was a nurse during world war 1

  6. The artists name was John Bellany and Elsie Inglis was an inspiration to him because she wanted to help loads of injured people. Nicola Sturgeon is the first minister of Scotland

  7. The artists name is John Bellany .
    He was inspired by Elsie Inglis because he was very ill and she worked at a hospital to help people.
    Nicola Sturgeon is the first minister and has to make big decisions.

  8. The artists name was John Bellany.

    Elise Inglis was an inspiration to him because she worked as a nurse during World War One and cared for everyone whatever age they were.

    Nicola Sturgeon’s role is the First Minister of Scotland.

  9. The artist’s name is John Bellany. He was inspired by Elise Inglis because she was a doctor who helped to set up hospitals to help people in the first world war.

    Nicola Sturgeon is the leader of the SNP and is the first minister of Scotland.

  10. The artist was called John Bellany and elsie inglis was an inspiration cause she was a nurse during world war 1 and helped people who were injured.

  11. The artists name was John Bellany and Ellise Inglis was an inspiration since she worked in a hospital in WW1 and cared for the injured soldiers.

    Nicola Sturgeon is the First Minester of Scotland and leader of the SNP party and her job is to help make decisions in parliament for our country.

  12. John Bellany was inspired by Elsie Inglis because she helped many people in the hospital.

    Nicola Sturgeon is first ministe0r in Scottish Parliament, she helps make decisions for out future

  13. His name was John Bellany and elsie inglis was a inspiration to him because of her work as a doctor in the women’s hospital which he painted! 🙂

  14. The artist was John Bellany and Elsie Inglis was an inspiration to him because she helped people that were injured during World War One and at that time it was quite hard to cure people back then.

    Nicola Sturgeon is an MSP she is also the leader of the SNP and the first minister.

  15. John Bellany was the name of the artist. Elsie ingles was a great inspiration to him because of her work with the wounded and injured in the hospitals during World War One .

    Nicola sturgeon is the
    leader of the SNP party she is also the first minister for Scotland

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