Spelling 11/5/16

Look at the fabulous weather we are having! Take advantage of this and take your learning outside. Write about the fun ways you have found to practise your spelling words and email me some photos if possible to add to our blog!! Have fun, (remember your suncream!).

Some fantastic ideas and reposnses boys and girls. Here are some of your photos that you have shared of the activities you tried. Well done.


24 thoughts on “Spelling 11/5/16”

  1. For my outdoor spelling I skip-roped Wednesdays words each syllable at a time. 😝

  2. For my outdoor spelling I decided to play swing ball around my back garden and I hit it once around for each letter of the Wednesday’s spelling words.

  3. For my homework I used red stones to spell my words on the patio. I got loads of stones and started to shape them in the correct shapes and sizes. I enjoyed doing this as it was a sunny day and it is more fun than writing them in my jotter.

  4. For my fun spelling I went outside and wrote words with chalk in my garden, I also got a football and each time I hit it against the wall I I would spell out the each letter of the word. When I was outside I then got my cousin and passed a ball to her and I would spell out the word.

  5. What I did for outdoor spelling

    I went out to my trampoline and done handstands for each letter of our words. I did racial , commercial, ancient, politician precious and delicious.

  6. For outdoor fun spelling I did

    I went out on my trampoline I did a handstand for each letter of our words, I did ancient ,commercial , delicious, politician racial and suspicious.

  7. for my spelling i did keepy up spelling is where you do keep ups and spell the word out

  8. For my Fun spelling I got my netball and through it into the hoop. Everytime I got it in I would say one letter of the word. If I missed I would have to start the word again. At the very end of the word I would throw the netball and score one more basket whilst saying the word. I did that for 3 words and for the other three I made it everytime I kick my football I would say a letter of the word and then at the end I would say the full word again

  9. I made the spelling words outside in the garden using different things. I made three of the words using stones, then another one using string. For the last word we wrote the word ‘metallic’ on a metal plant pot. It was good fun but very windy.

  10. For me outdoor fun spelling I decided to throw a ball in the air and catch it. Every time I threw the ball up I said a letter of the word ,then when I did it how many times I needed to I spelt the word.
    That is what did for my outdoor fun spelling.

  11. I did some keepy ups with a football in the sunshine while spelling my words. I have emailed the photos to you.

  12. I have done keepyupies to spell my words, by saying a letter each time the ball hits my foot.

  13. I did keepy uppies while my dad told me my words for this week and I would spell them out while doing keepy uppies. I found it quite difficult to do keepy uppies and words at the same time.

  14. My home work task this week was to practice my spelling outdoors, I did this by using chalk to write my words on the ground. I used different colours of chalk and did my words backwards, normal, rainbow and pyramid. I enjoyed doing my words this way because it was a nice change and made it fun!!

  15. For my homework i skipped out all of my words with a skipping rope and jumped them all out on the trampoline.

  16. I made words with spray paint on the fence (luckily it’s getting painted tomorrow)

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