Keeping in touch with Dawud

One of our classmates is visiting another country for a period of time. We have set up this post for him to contact us and to tell us all about the culture that he is experiencing.

If we recieve any photo’s we will post them here and you can add comments and ask questions for Dawud to answer.

We hope that you are having a fabulous time and we look forward to you sharing all of your experiences.

21 thoughts on “Keeping in touch with Dawud”

  1. David, we are very pleased to hear from you. Pease let us know some of the things you do while you are with your family. Say hello to Amna too

  2. Emma and Grace just like I said to Erin it’s very hot and Emma im having a very good time

  3. Hi Dawud, Primary 6 are excited to hear all about your trip and they look forward to you updates. Take some time to give us some details of the things that you have been doing, places you have visited etc. Remeber we are looking for a diary style update as part of your tasks. We can’t wait to hear more about the culture that you have been experiencing.

  4. Thx for asking Kimberly but I’m not staying in a hotel just like Francisco asked I’m stayin in my uncles house

  5. Reece and Lauren Reece yes I do it’s very spacious and u can do a lot of stuff.Lauren if u want to know what I’m doin I came back from a shooting range.

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