Monthly Treat – September 2015

We had great fun last Thursday afternoon during our monthly treat time. It was fabulous to see all taking part and we enjoyed pushing ourselves during the challenges set for us.

We had to build a house of cards, catch as many coins as possible from our elbows, find how many spoons we could balance from different parts of our body and build a bridge using pasta and marshmallows.

Antoni and Ashton were amazing at catching coins, they both caught 19 in one shot! I wonder if you can challenge any of your family on any of these things.

4 thoughts on “Monthly Treat – September 2015”

  1. Congratulations on achieving your monthly treat! It looks like you enjoyed the different challenges too! I wonder what your next treat might be that you are working towards?

  2. I challenged my brother to the coin on an elbow and he made it to thirteen. I guess some people aren’t just as good as it as others.:(

  3. Some people found it easier than others it was fun to challenge ourselves. Me and Emma managed the spaghetti and marshmallow bridge it was fun.

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