Movie Art

Primary 6 I have looked through your very many suggestions and tried to limit your list of Movies.
Below are a selection of everyone’s choices and the most popular so far. I would like you to leave a comment below of two that you think would make a good choice to use! Remember, we have to be able to get lots of great art ideas from the movie, so it can’t just be your favourite movie!!

Let’s see how we get on!

1. Brave
2. Paddington
3. Alvin and the Chipmunks
4. Finding Nemo
5. The Wizard of Oz
6. Beauty and the Beast
7. Monsters University
8. Despicable Me
9. Turbo
10. The Sound of Music
11. Lady and the Tramp
12. Garfield
13. Peter Pan
14. Tangled

Get voting!

19 thoughts on “Movie Art”

  1. Wow Primary 6 you have chosen some amazing films! My all time favourite film has made your shortlist. I’m looking forward to finding out which film you choose. My class chose Alice in Wonderland which was Charys’ idea!

  2. I would love to do The Sound Of Music or Tangled because I love both of those movies 🙂

  3. I linked the idea of Nemo as you could do lots of underwater scenes with coloured sea creatures, lots of shiny paint and paper collage fish. I also like the idea of Peter Pan as I could see lots of pirates and ships with some Tinkerbell fairies too. Very imaginative and colourful.

    Good luck with your choice. Looking forward to seeing the finished work too regardless of what you choose.

  4. I would like to do Paddington , finding nemo or despicable me or Annie (if u have the new 1)

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