Spelling Homework week 2nd February

Let’s have some fun with our spelling homework this week. For your second set of words try to do something a little bit different. You could spell them out using pasta, play dough, cut out letters from a newspaper or magazine, pebbles in the garden, chalks, whatever you fancy!! Or in your jotter use rainbow writing, choo choo words, pyramid writing or fancy letters to practice your words. If you like you can take a picture of your work. Please get an adult to write in your diary what activity you did if you cannot show me it.

Leave me a message to let me know what task you have done and what you thought about it! Have fun!!

21 thoughts on “Spelling Homework week 2nd February”

  1. I made my words out of pasta I really enjoyed it only when I moved the table it all fell off !!
    It was really fun I hope we do somthing like this again

  2. Well done folks, 20 House points each, Robbie that sounds like my kind of fun, spelling that you then get to eat! Yummy.

  3. I used a stick and then i went outside and spelt all my words in the snow i had great fun doing this

  4. I did mine in my jotter with old time stuff like pyramid spelling like doing stuff we want to do for spelling I would of liked to do something fancy but I want to spend time with DAD!!

  5. Super work boys and girls, I’m loving some of these ideas, a great way to take your learning outside Cameron! I have marked all of your pyramid writing and fancy letters, well done, 20 house points to each of you. No problem about the printer Amy, we did not need it printed, if you had fun typing and practising your spelling then I’m happy with that.

  6. I sowed my words on to a very old blanket that used to be mine when I was little.I did the words in differt coulers as well so I did rainbow writing and FUN spelling

  7. Hi Primary 6. How much fun are you having with your spelling? Has anyone tried coloured soap in the bath, using your fork in the tomato sauce on your dinner, icing on biscuits or if you have some straws you can use or cut up? Post any other ideas you think of for others to try.

    Well done

  8. Hi Primary 6. How much fun are you all having with your spelling? Have you tried using coloured soap in the bath, using your knife to write words with the tomato sauce, icing writing on biscuits or if you have any straws, you could maybe cut them up too? Post any other ideas for others to try. Happy spelling.

  9. Sounds like lots of good ideas, lots with food which I really like. Keep learning how to spell those tricky words:)

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