P4/5 have been working hard on their writing this morning. We were writing about the different parts of the ear and how it works.
Wiring a Plug
We were looking at plugs today and had a go at rewiring them. We had to use really small screwdrivers just like scientists and engineers who need to make really small parts for computers. It was good fun but challenging!
We were learning about coordinates today. We used battleships as a fun way to learn.
Allotment Visit
We had a great time yesterday looking around the school allotment site and harvesting some of our produce. We had to listen very carefully as we had a quiz at the end of our tour. We would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Raeburn for organising the visit and producing the quiz- we really enjoyed ourselves.
P5 Kodaly
We started our music lessons today with Mr Simpson. we have been learning about pulse and beat through games.
Iron Man Pictures
Using the description in the first chapter of our class novel, we created Iron Man drawings.
Reading Strategies
We have already started working on our reading strategies for is year. We are all looking at the same book just now to revise the strategies and our novel is ‘The Iron Man’ So far we have looked at Prior Knowledge and a Visualisation task on the main character.
Welcome Back
P 4 assembly
Quick reminder! Primary are having their assembly on Wednesday 20th May at 2pm. It would be very helpful if you could help your child practice their parts over the weekend
Thank Y0u
Spelling Strategies
Some pupils have asked for a copy of the Spelling Strategies as they no longer have the ones issued earlier in the year. Please use this to help you with your homework and to spell unfamiliar words.