P5/4 (2014/15)

Welcome to the new term. P5/4 have already been very busy with lots of work. In our class we have 14 Primary 5’s and 11 Primary 4’s.


Mon – Spelling & Reading

Tues- Spelling & Reading

Wed- Maths & Reading

Thurs-Spelling Practise/IDL/Reflections.

Please check this blog regularly to see what we have been doing.

14 thoughts on “P5/4 (2014/15)”

  1. Hi Mrs Madden,
    I will see you at school very soon. I need to eat my breakfast so that I can concentrate in class and do my work.

  2. Hello to everyone in p5/4! Good to see lots of you are already using your blog! I look forward to seeing you robots that you are busy creating. Have fun:)

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