Chapelhall Primary 5

May 8, 2016
by Mrs Horner

Drumpellier Park

Primary 5 and 5/4 visited Drumpellier Park as part of the John Muir award. We had a guided tour by two of the park rangers, one discussing biodiversity and the other focusing on pond life. We learned lots of interesting facts fromĀ  both gentlemen. We also had a walk around the wooded area of the park and had time in the play park.

It was a fabulous yet very tiring day!



  1. How can you tell the difference between a male and female duck?
  2. Can you remember the names of the plants that were used as medicine in the olden days, what were the used to help with?
  3. How long does the female swan nest for? How long does she sit on her eggs?
  4. Give me another two pieces of interesting information you found out that day.


May 8, 2016
by Mrs Horner

Outdoor PE

We have been taking advantage of the warmer, drier weather this week and used the outdoor area for PE. This term our focus is on rugby skills. Once we all had the opportunity to learn and practise our new skill we were given “own choice” time.

April 28, 2016
by Mrs Horner

John Muir at Honeywell Habitats

Primary 5 and 5/4 have had a busy week up at Honeywell Habitats. We have tidied up the area, placed weed sheets along the path area, moved and added more garden towers and started the wellie garden. We washed the tyres and hopefully will get them painted soon, we placed more fat balls to take care of the birds and other wildlife in the area. We also planted a variety of evergreen plants as well as seasonal flowers in planters to be placed alongside the path. This area will hopefully be completed next week when our decorative stones arrive as well asĀ  the bark to replenish the bark on the path. It was all very demanding work and encouraged us to work in teams. A very productive few days for all the children, even although we had to brave the ever changing weather we are having just now. The children should be very proud of themselves.

Mr Murray has additional photos so keep posted to Primary 5/4 blog over the next few weeks too!



April 27, 2016
by Mrs Horner

Solar System Evaluation

Now that we have finished our topic on the Solar System I would like you to evaluate this topic. I would like you to tell me your opinion on this topic, did you enjoy it, what was your favourite part of the topic, was there something you would have liked to do that we didn’t do? Was there any particular activity that you didn’t enjoy or that we could have done better? Finally I would like you to self assess your overall learning on this topic. Thank you

Please make sure you answer in detail, checking your spelling and your punctuation.

April 24, 2016
by Mrs Horner

John Muir Day

John Muir is celebrated worldwide on the 21st of April every year. As we are completing our award this year we took advantage of the lovely weather. We had to discuss how best to achieve the challenges that Mrs Horner and Mr Murray have set for us over the next few weeks! Lots of hard work and creative minds are required for these challenges! We enjoyed a picnic while discussing these challenges.image image image image image image image

March 31, 2016
by Mrs Horner

Fun Thursday!

This month we chose a DVD, popcorn and juice for our treat. We watched Inside Out ( brought in very kindly by Lucy) We also had a really special treat courtesy of Miss Grant. As part of our monthly topic Ā Miss Grant and her daughter baked an extremely detailed cake showing all the layers of the earth. It was absolutely delicious!

March 10, 2016
by Mrs Horner


Primary 5 and 4/5 went out to the garden to demonstrate how to build our garden towers as part of our John Muir award. There are lots of reasons for building these towers. Who can give me some reasons for building them?

We will be writing instructions on how to build these towers. If anyone would like a copy to try this out at home please let someone in Primary 5 know.

March 10, 2016
by Mrs Horner


We have been working hard on our 2D and 3D shape recently. We went into the playground to see what sort of shapes we could see in and from our school environment. We were amazed at the amount of different items we found! We have also been collecting 3D shapes from home and discussing them in class. We have learned lots of new vocabulary when talking about shape. Who can tell me some of these words and what they mean?

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