Just a test to see if we can all log on in class. Can you leave a comment with your favourite colour please?
September 11, 2013
by Miss Devine
September 11, 2013
by Miss Devine
Just a test to see if we can all log on in class. Can you leave a comment with your favourite colour please?
September 11, 2013
by Miss Devine
Thank you to all the mums, dads, grans, siblings and friends who came to the open evening tonight. It was lovely to meet all of you and please feel free to ask any questions if you want to know more about the work we do in class.
September 11, 2013
by Miss Devine
Well done to Nathan, who was Star of the Week for putting extra effort into his homework.
Our Golden Book pupil for August was Amy Gowans for trying very hard in maths and for showing lots of interest in our Native Americans topic.
Well done to both of you!
September 3, 2013
by Miss Devine
1 Comment
Well done to Cameron Thomson and Jenna Booth for being our first two stars of the week! Cameron was helpful to staff and other pupils and Jenna showed a respectful and fair attitude during gym times. Congratulations, we are all very proud of you both!
August 27, 2013
by Miss Devine
August 27, 2013
by Miss Devine
Hello and welcome back!
I’m sure everyone is raring to go after the holidays. Primary 5 is an exciting year, and our topics are Native American Civilisations, Scotland and The Solar System. We also plan to go swimming in Term 1 (we will update parents through text message as soon as we have more information), but on weeks we are not swimming, our gym days are on Wednesday on Thursday.
So far I am overwhelmed by how eager the children in the class are to learn and I hope this continues throughout the year.
Miss Devine