All posts by Mrs Murdoch

Christmas Kandy Kidz

Meet our new recruits from Chapelhall Primary 4. Well done on some fabulous application forms which got you these jobs! What an awesome team we have and I am looking forward to our Christmas Enterprise.

We will give you a clue it involves sweet treats! 🙂

Welcome Back!

The new primary 4 are so excited to be back after a great summer holiday. We are three weeks into our new term and have already been working very hard. Please keep checking our blog for information on our class, trips and photos of all our hard work. Here is some information to get started with:


PE days are Monday  and Thursday.


Homework is given out every night Monday – Thursday. On Monday and Tuesday nights it is spelling/phonics, on Wednesdays maths and Thursdays  topic work – sometimes the blog will be used for this. Additionally, reading should be done every night and books will be changed regularly. Homework will be given out on a Monday morning and collected in on a Friday.

Looking forward to a wonderful year!

Miss Wiggins